Tag Archives: solidarity

Bridges Not Walls Bradford banner drop, Friday 20th January


A group of us ( Migrants Organise, Racial Justice Network, Wur Bradford and others) collectively organised a Bridges Not Walls banner drop action in Bradford this Friday 20th January, the day of Trump’s inauguration



Friday 20th January
8.30 – 10am
Pavillion Cafe, City Park, Bradford

On the 20th of January 2017, at approximately 5pm UK time Donald Trump will be sworn in as the new and 45th president of the United States. Those who have heard him know he is a racist, misogynist and against Muslims. He has spread fear, hatred and division amongst communities.
On this day we will be taking to bridges across the country to defy the rise of fascism across the world. In Bradford, we will be dropping a banner on top of the pavilion cafe at City Park at 8.30-10am and are inviting people to join us to give a simple, hopeful and unmistaken message to defy the rise of fascism across the world and to affirm that we prefer bridges across our communities not walls.
Bridges not walls call out http://bridgesnotwalls.uk/ is a chance for everyone everywhere to say in their own your words and as part of a bigger collective about need for peaceful and just world rid of oppression and hatred.
Because some media and politicians are creating a new normal where extreme views are tolerated, we must actively defend the rights of our most vulnerable brothers, sisters and communities. The situation is not going to fix itself and the government isn’t either so it is down to each one of us to take action and stand in solidarity with those whose message is of unity, building connections and looking out for each other.
Please see Wur Bradford Facebook page for more information on banner making session on Thursday 19th January 2-4pm –  https://www.facebook.com/events/234017930341188/  – join us in making a collective banner or  feel free to bring your own banners and posters on the day with your own messages of solidarity.  ALL ARE WELCOME!


Facebook event page for the action: https://www.facebook.com/events/789488467857122/

The action has been organised collectively by Migrants Organise, Racial Justice Network, Wur Bradford and others.

Responding to Regression – Time to tool up!

Responding to Regression – Time to tool up!


Saturday 3rd December

12pm – 4pm
WUR Bradford, Kirkgate Market (Above Kirkgate Shopping Centre opposite Home From Home cafe)

In response to the Trumpifcation of America and Brexit we are in need of solidarity and skills to ensure and overcome the regression taking place cross the world.
Bradical collective  together with Wur Bradford would like you to come along to a day of solidarity and action.
We want you to share your thoughts, ideas and turn them in to action.
Share ideas of how to:
• Combat islamophobia
• How do we talk to people, friends and family who align themselves with proponents of hate.
• Responding to macro and micro aggressions in daily life
• Reporting hate crime
• Self-care – y’know, staying sane and avoid getting blue.
We will compile our ideas in to a collective zine which we hope to print on the day so you have copies to take away and share with others afterwards
There will be tea and floor cushions, accompanied by snacks, awesome snacks..’cos its winter and we need this!
All are warmly welcome, children too!