Food and community workshops with Josie Tothill

Can food and eating together strengthen our communities? Come join Bradford artist Josie Tothill in two upcoming workshops to explore these questions through conversation,  the making of a recipe booklet and the sharing of food.

Free, all are welcome!

Wur Bradford
Kirkgate Market (the stall opposite Home From Home Cafe)

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Thursday 21st April
What part does food and the cooking of it play in our communities? A drop in chat about everything from your favourite meal, to the politics of who cooks, to the role of food in activism. Bring yourselves and any stories, recipes, and thoughts you wish to share.

Thursday 28th April
12 – 3pm
Come and taste the food of our community. Have a chat and a chana chat.
Does eating together strengthen community? Share your thoughts and stories and leave with a recipe book written by people at Wur Bradford the week before.

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